Our horses, or “Angels in Horse Hair” as we like to call them, are the common bond that brings all of us together. If you have a heart for caring for mistreated horses and helping provide them with excellent care while they recover and grow closer to their most healthy state, our Equine Program may be for you.

How We Care for Recovering Horses
The children, youth, and families at Valley Trotters Youth Ranch have broad expertise when caring for recovering horses, included but not limited to:
Proper Equine Nutrition
Disease Prevention
Wound Care
Parasite Control
Grooming Technique
Rehabilitation Methods
Conditioning the Equine Body and Mind
Some horses in our Equine Rescue Program come to us from homes that had abuse or neglect, while others are donated by families who are no longer able to provide care for their horses. No matter how they find their way to our Ranch, each horse at Valley Trotters Youth Ranch goes through a careful and complete evaluation by our team after they’re loved back to health. Some will be placed within our riding programs, while others who are not suited for our riding program will be offered to a loving home on mutual adoption terms.